Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lets Clear and Let Go to Hashem

A simple prayer
of letting go
and clearing out
all our inner junk

I love you Hashem
I'm Sorry Hashem
Thank You Hashem
Please Forgive me Hashem
Please Give me more Emunah

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Stay with JOY

25 Adar 5770: According to the teaching of Rebbe Nachman, Whenever a person is within the moments of JOY, then there are no feelings to do wrong. The higher the greatness the stronger the test. Therefore, one who would practice JOY should be aware that the tests that follow will be stronger. Yet, Hashem does not give us a test that we cannot pass. Next week we study Shivron Lev. THANK YOU HASHEM

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


24 Adar 5770: Hitbodadot, Talking to Hashem on a daily basis brings us closer to Simcha (Ultimate Joy). Why is JOY so important? Hashem says to us, {Devarim 28:47} "Because you did not serve Hashem your Gd with JOY and with goodness of heart, out of an abundance of everything". JOY therefore is the key to serving Hashem, and Emunah flows from there. THANK YOU HASHEM!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


23 Adar 5770: Had I known then what I know now I'd have entitled my post Besimcha, Emunah, Bitul instead. Thanks to my learning partner Rebbe Nachum of Teverya I have begun a serious research into SIMCHA (J O Y) and how it brings us to Emunah (Faith) which brings us to Bitul (Letting Go, Letting Hashem). I welcome all who wish to help me with my research to send a private e-mail to THANK YOU HASHEM

After we discuss Simcha we shall continue step by step with our Emunah Diet

Monday, March 8, 2010

Emunah Diet: STEP NINE

22 Adar 5770: Step 9 of the Emunah Diet. Introducing Shivron Lev into your life. Rebbe Nachman teaches that a Broken Heart (Shivron Lev) brings one to simcha (J O Y) which then opens the doors wide open for emunah shelaimah (Complete and absolute faith) THANK YOU HASHEM!

I purposely quoted from Rebbe Nachmen that he felt that shivron lev brings one to ultimate JOY. However, since learning with my learning partner a few weeks ago about this method, we have started a serious research into JOY to see if we can find more tools other than shivron lev to get one to simcha. Soon I will post my findings on Simcha and how it takes us to Emunah. For now, the only source I found to reach the ultimate levels of simcha is through Shivron Lev as Rebbe Nachman points out. I am open to people feeding me sources for my research. Please read tomorrow's, 23 Adar post about my project and why I'm looking more and more into Simcha.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Emunah Diet: STEP EIGHT

3 Adar 5770: Step 8 of the Emunah Diet. Add JOY (Simcha) to your life by being grateful everyday in every way. See the good in you and others, celebrate life's challenges with Joy (Simcha)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Emunah Diet: STEP SEVEN

28 Shevat 5770: Step 7 of the Emunah Diet. "Give the benefit of the doubt to everyone especially Hashem" See the good in self even while walking through the darkest tunnels, see the good in others and of those who seem to hurt you. There are no coincidences. Every moment of our lives is a fun filled destined adventure. LIVE IT with full confidence in Hashem, self, and others. With Emunah! THANK YOU HASHEM!

Exercises Step 7: At the end of the weekend count how many times you were able to keep quiet and give the benefit of the doubt to everyone. Always remember to say THANK YOU HASHEM throughout the day. T H A N K * Y O U * H A S H E M!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Emunah Diet: STEP SIX

18 Shevat 5770: Step 6 of the Emunah Diet. Write a letter to Hashem and tell him exactly how thankful you are, how sorry you are and how hopeful you are. Past present and future issues. At the end of the letter give THANKS to Hashem for everything, and ask for whatever you wish. Tell Hashem you are willing to learn to accept all that He gives with Emunah and B'Simcha. THANK YOU HASHEM

Exercises Step 6: Sit in silence after you write the letter for 3 minutes collecting your thoughts then take an 11 minute walk in silence to help clear your mind. Throughout the day, remember to say "Thank You Hashem" as often as possible.